November 5, 2022

Easy Mint Simple Syrup Recipe (Plus Storage + Cocktails)

Making your own cocktail syrups is a great way to add new layers of flavors to your drinks, and this homemade mint simple syrup no exception. So easy, and really delicious.

picking mint leaves

Ready in 30 minutes (with almost no effort) this easy mint syrup will make some seriously killer cocktails.

Tiki cocktails, summer drinks, and even the classics can get a fresh kick of mint, plus you can pour it over vanilla ice cream or even just have it with bitters and soda.

And here's how to make it...

measuring mint leaves

Ingredients for perfect mint simple syrup

Water, sugar and fresh mint leaves are all you need.

You can usually find sprigs of mint in the produce section of your grocery store near the other herbs, and while you're there grab a bag of raw cane sugar too.

which sugar to use for simple syrups

White granulated sugar is the standard for making simple syrups, but whenever a recipe calls for white sugar I prefer to swap it out for raw cane sugar.

Raw cane sugar is slightly less processed leaving it with very subtle mellow toffee flavors and a light gold color that works beautifully in cocktail syrups.

measuring cane sugar

Mint syrup recipe for cocktails

There are plenty of recipes for mint syrup with various ratios of sugar, water and mint, but if you want to make the best version for cocktails there are a few things to keep in mind:

1. Use equal parts sugar and water

If the goal of the syrup is to use it in cocktails you want to make a version that is close to the standard simple syrup used in most drinks which is a 1:1 ratio of sugar and water.

That way when you substitute it into cocktail recipes you won't throw the sweetness out of whack.

2. Use lots of mint

You want your syrup to have lots of fresh mintiness, so don't skimp! This recipe calls for 1 cup of fresh mint which ends up being about 50-55 leaves.

adding mint leaves to a pot
stirring mint leaves into simple syrup

How to make mint simple syrup

Start by adding the sugar and water to a small sauce pan, and place it over low heat while stirring occasionally. Once the sugar is totally dissolved turn off the heat, add in the mint leaves, then let it sit with a lid on for 30 minutes.

Easy as that.

There is no need to fuss with chopping the mint or reducing the syrup. Once the mixture has cooled to room temperature strain out the mint leaves and pour into a clean bottle for storage.

pouring mint syrup into a storage bottle

How to store your mint syrup

Store your freshly made mint syrup in a CLEAN glass container in the refrigerator.

One trick to help preserve your mint syrup and extend the storage life is to add in a small splash of high proof neutral alcohol such as 100 proof vodka or Everclear. You can even rinse your container with a bit of Everclear for bonus points.

How long does mint simple syrup last?

Mint syrup will last in the refrigerator for 3-4 weeks if stored in a clean closed container in the refrigerator.

can I freeze mint syrup?

You sure can. The best way is to pre portion your frozen syrup by using an ice cube tray (the sugar keeps them from getting as hard as ice cubes though). Once frozen you can place all your syrup cubes in a container and only thaw small portions at a time.

measuring mint syrup to make cocktails

Mint syrup cocktails to try

Try using your newly made syrup in place of standard simple syrup in any recipe you'd like (especially drinks with lime juice).

Here are a few of my suggestions for drinks to make with mint syrup.

1. A Daiquiri

Daiquiris are staples in the rum cocktail world and the addition of mint would be a great way to showcase your new syrup.

2. A Gin Rickey

The Gin Rickey is a super simple highball with gin and lime where the botanical qualities of gin would pair perfectly with mint.

3. Bourbon Buck

Bourbon, muddled fruit, ginger and lemon juice make a zippy highball that's ready for a splash of mint.

4. A Mint Julip

Of course, we can't forget the king of mint cocktails... Using mint syrup instead of regular simple syrup will pack in even more mint flavors! Perfect for summer.

a bottle of mint simple syrup

Mint Syrup

Homemade mint simple syrup is an awesome way to pack fresh flavors into your cocktails, coffee, and whatever else needs a little splash of sweetness.


  • 3/4 cup Cane Sugar
  • 3/4 cup Water
  • 1 cup Fresh Mint Leaves - about 50


  • Add the Cane Sugar and Water to a small saucepan
  • Heat on medium until all the sugar crystals are dissolved while stirring occasionally
  • Once there are no more crystals turn off the heat, add the mint leaves to the syrup, and let sit with a lid on for 30-45 minutes
  • Strain out the mint leaves and store in a clean bottle in the fridge


Your mint syrup will keep about 3 weeks if stored in the fridge.
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 35 minutes
Course: Drinks
Tag me at @mydrinkinghobby when you make this!

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If you've never tried adding mint syrup to cocktails take this as your sign.

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